Sunday, April 24, 2011


who the hell is this bitch that keeps gunnin Hidesada?

Fuck you!!! you're obviously some kinda of lunatic, so chill out and fuck off, sweetheart.


  1. listen you're obviously looking to fight with someone and i am not here to fight with you

    so don't call me a lunatic

    you don't know me

    cuz i can actually apologize to you when you don't even know my life

  2. seriously i would appreciate it if you delete your post

  3. the only person i am here to fight with is hidesada im not dissing anyone else so it's not fair for you to talk to me like that you want to talk to me then you can meet up with me and show me some respect don't give skateboarders a bad name now

  4. really, to put it out there that you think that i am some lunatic when you don't even know me is not fair,

    really meet up with me then

    show me some love and then maybe i wouldnt be such a lunatic to you cuz it's not fair to throw that out there on me

  5. cuz you know what i see,

    i see that maybe you're defending hidesada here

    and that's understandable

    doesn't mean that i would defend him if i were in your shoes

    but it really makes me want to take words like fuck off and lunatic out of the english language cuz i can't say that it doesn't kill me just a little bit so thanks for that

  6. like come on

    say something worth saying

    seriously are you a white boy what are you?

    you white boys brain wash everyone and then claim them as your own

    show the world some white boy love

  7. god,


    you white people

    are the essence of evil

    like baby you wanna talk lunatic you wanna get into some crazy shit with me baby come on over lets get down and dirty with lunatic and own it

  8. you want to fight about something then come on really what is it that you hate so much what do you hate come on over and tell me come on over and show me what you hate so god damn much

  9. darling it really isn't your fault if hidesada is a nasty worthless piece of shit

  10. this blog was obviously made available to the public so to take away someone's freedom of speech is kind of a bitchy thing

  11. haha, white people created words that immediately look down on a person

    that's why we have words like lunatic

    tell me, are we living in a logical world?

    are human beings in fact logical creatures?

    then lunacy doesn't even exist.

    lunatic is just a word with a bad name that goes around with it when you say it

    doesn't mean i don't understand where you're coming from

  12. honestly you know what melone

    you can get to know me when the lord your god can finally save you from the judgement you cast on the world

    spell your name like mel-own and start taking ownership and own your own

    hidesada has his own shit to deal with

    it's nice that you're standing up for him

    but i really can't take it from a stranger

    it really pisses the hell out of me because do you think i really know what kind of judgement to make on it?

    hidesada is a bitch okay

    that's not your fault

  13. hidesada has a stupid family and it's not your fucking fault
