The dudes
Jon-Jon binks
I don't know what Goose was up to... but I like what he's workin' wit.
John Deadman
Two dudes and a pool stick. it's going to be huge.
Trying to bring "Nefertiti" back.
This is my guy right here, and boy is he trashed!
K-fed brought some reading material for the dull moments between listening to Burke and watching Karate Girl flex... on Burke...
Jon-Jon's potentially joining the army and I'm gonna miss a dude. Army Strong.
Sin Williams, always making it rain on bitches.
An army of one going covert-ops
Fuck animals...
Stan got burnt... Go see a doctor, man. That stuff can spread.
G-Code homies.
Cha boi!
We got pizza delivered to the park one time... nobody got any. hahaha
In the spirit of a shirtless summer, this kid goes ahead of the curve and went for the no pants look. I think it's gonna be big next summer.
I've got another "Russ' COTD." A whole lot of pumping... just to get to nowhere...
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